Ola is investing a sum of ₹500 crores, towards a range of initiatives to enhance safety, spanning across:

Innovation and technology
A range of app-based and IoT solutions to maintain the highest standards of safety
Mask recognition technology for safety verification

Driver safety and standards
Mandatory integration with the Aarogya Setu app
Rigorous driver-training, with learning modules and SOPs, and continuous wellness monitoring

Vehicle standards
Cleanliness and hygiene protocols for vehicles
Fumigation of cars every 48hrs and sanitisation of high-contact surfaces after every ride

Industry-wide initiatives
Community efforts to revive from the effects of the pandemic
A COVID Industry Collective for driver well-being
Get Involved
We encourage you to share any ideas, feedback or suggestions that you may have that can help us make every ride in this country safe and help us fight COVID. If your Idea is shortlisted we will ensure that you get due credit for it.